Yellow Bisque
Canaries swim beneath the depths of an ocean of futility.
Yellow tears dance their cheeky tango gracefully down green eyes,
On broad cheeks kissed by a lover’s blessing body;
The outside world is immediately incinerated.
The ashes douse the senses, manufacturing an intoxicating stupor;
Unusual emotional contortions twist heated auras.
Graciousness becomes indigent despite bathing in generosity.
The sun rises with a festive pomposity.
An uncertain madness is juxtaposed against a certain eros;
Its’ confusion reaches back to antiquity.
Traditions and social constructs shackle passionate immorality,
Dubious yet sanctioned,
Sacrificial lambs are roasted and basted on a hamster-wheel.
Stripped of light-hearted innocence;
Raw, yet stewing in bloody reality.
Pretentiousness cowers behind its transparent guise;
As humanity’s sun orbits your Earth;
The epicenter is hard to pinpoint.
A yellow Rose rests its aching stem;
Surrounded in the shadow of the valley of life,
It radiates gorgeous imminence.
A rival Daisy from its past,
Looks for shade under a sunflower.
Virgin reefs house aquatic yellow-tails;
Uncorrupted by pollution,
Yet woefully inadequate to withstand natural selection.
Those blue waters mix with maze to nourish a green-eyed monster.
Raging peace incompetently ushers in depression.
In its cage, the Canary no longer sings;
Its feathers, an imperial yellow,
Have fallen from grace.
Even so, its beauty cannot be denied.